Is the so-called seamless LCD wall display technology really seamless?

In our vibrant lives, when we often visit shopping malls, supermarkets, or when we go to bars, KTVs in the evening, we can see many spliced ​​screens, but most of them have gaps, either 3.5, 1.7mm, or 0.88mm. If it is a product from the past three years, over 80% of them are these two types of gap specifications. But do you know about the seamless splicing screen product? Today, ZXTLCD is going to share with you some knowledge about seamless splicing screens.

I. What is Seamless LCD Wall?

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Seamless LCD walls, in the field of video wall, is a source of pride for us Chinese people because it was developed and promoted by us. Mainly using three technologies of 2.5D custom glass, acrylic, and LED compensation, on the basis of 3.5mm or 1.7mm, a seamless visual effect of the super large display screen has been achieved. They can be made using 46 inches, 49 inches, 55 inches, and 65 inches!

II. Three Technologies of Seamless LCD Wall

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  1. Special glass, this is the earliest developed method of seamless splicing screen, it is to add a layer of glass on the LCD wall, with a bit of indentation around, playing a role of signal refraction. It was a bit curved in the first generation, but now it has been able to achieve a flat display;
  2. LED compensation technology, this is considered the second generation of seamless LCD wall. It is to attach an LED light at the gap of the LCD wall, from incandescent lamps to now, different specifications of colored LED lights are customized according to different signal sources or use scenarios, to achieve a seamless visual effect;
  3. Acrylic flat processing technology, a new product developed in 2019, directly achieving flat display, covering a layer of acrylic on the LCD panel, with a built-in signal processing chip to display pictures, and mutual display to achieve a seamless effect.

III. Application of Seamless LCD Wall

Seamless LCD wall is considered a higher-end product in video wall, its only drawback is its high price and complicated post-maintenance. At present, it is mainly used in large-scale state-owned enterprises and government agencies, while commercial usage is relatively less and only feasible with a sufficient budget.

lcd wall subway

IV. Notice for Seamless LCD Wall

Whenever we discuss seamless LCD wall, we always clarify to our customers that while these screens can visually appear seamless, they aren’t truly seamless. This is extremely important! Many salespeople, to close a deal, keep repeating ‘seamless’, forgetting to inform customers that this is achieved through technical treatment, and only visually appears seamless. If not clarified in advance, this can cause many unnecessary problems later on, as most customers and users could potentially misunderstand.
Another thing to pay attention to is the installation method, ZXTLCD conventional video walls are installed from left to right, from bottom to top, while the installation method of seamless LCD walls remains the same from bottom to top, but changes to installing from the center to the sides. This ensures the overall flatness of the screen.