What important details should be noted when purchasing video walls?

Despite the widespread use of LCD video walls, people's understanding of them is often limited to their visually stunning impact, with little knowledge about their parameters. As a professional LCD splicing screen manufacturer and supplier, ZXTLCD would like to highlight some important details that should be considered when purchasing video walls.

Video Wall Parameter 1: Brightness.

lcd video wall brightness

Brightness determines the display luminosity of the LCD splicing screen. If the brightness is too low, it may be difficult for users to see the displayed content in environments with strong lighting. Therefore, the brightness of the LCD splicing screen should meet certain standards. However, higher brightness does not always mean better. The brightness level should be chosen based on the user’s visual needs.

Video Wall Parameter 2: Resolution.

closeup blue lcd screen panel background. video lcd wall pixels.

Resolution is one of the key parameters that greatly affect the display effect of the LCD splicing screen. The resolution determines the clarity of displayed images and the smoothness of the screen. Generally, LCD video walls have high resolutions. It is not advisable to purchase screens with low resolution as they may not provide optimal display quality.

Video Wall Parameter 3: Input signals.

lcd video wall splicing controls.jpg

Nowadays, LCD video walls in the market generally support various input and output signal formats. However, there are also some low-quality products that only support limited types of input and output signals. Therefore, it is important to carefully check the supported input signal types before making a purchase.

Video Wall Parameter 4: Contrast ratio.

The contrast ratio of an LCD splicing screen determines the vividness and effectiveness of displayed colors. A contrast ratio of 3000:1 is considered high in the LCD splicing market. If the contrast ratio is too low, it may result in dull colors and a lack of richness. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a high contrast ratio for optimal display quality.

Parameter 5: Bezels.

46 inch video wall

Bezels are the foundation for high-definition and seamless display on LCD video walls. Since LCD video walls are composed of multiple splicing units, there are inevitably some gaps between each unit. Smaller splicing gaps are preferred, as larger gaps can cause visual discrepancies and affect the overall visual experience.